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how to deal with brokeness
It is impossible to live life without experiencing brokenness. Whether it is feeling the pain of a broken promise, surviving a broken bone or experiencing personal failure, life takes its toll on each of us .

Life breaks us:

Sometimes it is tempting to believe that life only causes pain. Perhaps you mark life by one hurtful event after another. If the scars add up over time , you might view everything that happens in life as one more attempt to cause you pain.The truth is that you were created for a better life than that! Jesus Christ declared that He came to give you life, abundant life! He loves you and knows the pain you are experiencing because he experienced brokenness and pain too. He wept at the death of Lazarus, but He also raised him from the dead! He had compassion on the crowds and met their needs, offering healing, forgiveness and a fresh start.

Fixing the BrokennessKnowing that Christ loved you so much that He died to pay the price for your sins should convince you that
your life has tremendous worth to God. He was not willing that you would perish! He came to bring you new life. Now, Jesus offers you the opportunity to surrender your broken life and discover abundant life. He offers both forgiveness and and healing to all who come to Him for answers.

Your Life has Tremendous Worth

How should you respond to God's tremendous gift of new life? Surrender! Tell God about the hurt you have been experiencing. Tell Him about the things that have stacked up against you and then ask God to take the pain away and give you life.

It is as simple as a prayer: 

"Dear Jesus, I am so sorry for the wrong things that I have done. I feel broken and ashamed not only for the things I've done, but also because of the thoughtless actions of others. Please forgive me and give me new life. I want to be made whole again. Help me to see myself as You see me and help me to life a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus' name, Amen!!

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