A Message for Teenagers - Young Heroes for God's Kingdom!
Gorgonio de Guia
January 2000
Young heroes are wanted in God’s Church, and in the coming Kingdom of God. What is a hero? Who is going to be a hero? You have the opportunity to be young heroes for God’s Kingdom.
How do you qualify to rule in the wonderful world to come? Webster’s Dictionary defines a hero as: “1. A man [or woman] noted for courageous acts or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his life; 2. A man [or woman] noted for special achievements in a particular field.” Who would not want to be a hero? If you aspire to be a hero, how do you start?
Set the Right Example
We are walking ambassadors of God’s way of life. God said, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works” (Matthew 5:16). Setting the right example now is the bright light for other people to see. It is the unique example of respect we show toward others—teachers, classmates, and neighbors—that will shine our light towards others. They will be encouraged by the good things we did, the small favors we gave and the simple things that mean a lot. After your teenage years have passed away, your example will live on! Most importantly of all, God will smile and rejoice, knowing that He has young heroes prepared for the world to come.
Practice God’s Way of Life Now
God has given us the choice of following the direction that leads to His Kingdom or following the way of the world that leads to destruction. He knows what is best and good for us. That is why He called your parents to enjoy the abundant life that is challenging and interesting, in spite of the trials that go with it.
Enjoy your youthful years, but do not forget to remember your Creator God (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Make God’s way of life a cherished habit. God promises to give us the Holy Spirit to help us overcome. We receive this gift of God when we surrender our lives to Him in baptism. This is a challenge for you, as a young man or woman. It is a courageous decision you will have to make, a very delicate choice you alone can decide.
Follow the Example of God’s Heroes in the Bible
A tremendous example of a young hero in the Bible was David, who became known as a “man after God’s own heart.” David, as a young boy, was already looking after his father’s flock of sheep. When a ferocious bear and a lion attacked the sheep, David defended the flock, risking his own life in the process. He had a close relationship with his God in heaven, probably because of the proper training and education from his parents. He displayed rare courage for a young man his age. He did not trust in his own ability, but had total trust and dependence in the true God, the Creator of heaven and earth.
When the time came for him to step out in faith in the conflict with Goliath, he had no doubt, nor hesitation. With his sling, he delivered a fatal blow straight to the forehead of the enemy. What a big surprise to everybody! The small stone sank deep into the giant’s forehead, and he fell.
Remember to set the right example. Practice God’s way of life now. And follow examples of young men and women of courage, who have their great deeds recorded in God’s Word. A good future is in your hands! Enjoy your life now, but always remember your Creator God, and follow your destiny to become a “hero for the Kingdom!”
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Gorgonio de Guia
January 2000
Young heroes are wanted in God’s Church, and in the coming Kingdom of God. What is a hero? Who is going to be a hero? You have the opportunity to be young heroes for God’s Kingdom.
How do you qualify to rule in the wonderful world to come? Webster’s Dictionary defines a hero as: “1. A man [or woman] noted for courageous acts or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his life; 2. A man [or woman] noted for special achievements in a particular field.” Who would not want to be a hero? If you aspire to be a hero, how do you start?
Set the Right Example
We are walking ambassadors of God’s way of life. God said, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works” (Matthew 5:16). Setting the right example now is the bright light for other people to see. It is the unique example of respect we show toward others—teachers, classmates, and neighbors—that will shine our light towards others. They will be encouraged by the good things we did, the small favors we gave and the simple things that mean a lot. After your teenage years have passed away, your example will live on! Most importantly of all, God will smile and rejoice, knowing that He has young heroes prepared for the world to come.
Practice God’s Way of Life Now
God has given us the choice of following the direction that leads to His Kingdom or following the way of the world that leads to destruction. He knows what is best and good for us. That is why He called your parents to enjoy the abundant life that is challenging and interesting, in spite of the trials that go with it.
Enjoy your youthful years, but do not forget to remember your Creator God (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Make God’s way of life a cherished habit. God promises to give us the Holy Spirit to help us overcome. We receive this gift of God when we surrender our lives to Him in baptism. This is a challenge for you, as a young man or woman. It is a courageous decision you will have to make, a very delicate choice you alone can decide.
Follow the Example of God’s Heroes in the Bible
A tremendous example of a young hero in the Bible was David, who became known as a “man after God’s own heart.” David, as a young boy, was already looking after his father’s flock of sheep. When a ferocious bear and a lion attacked the sheep, David defended the flock, risking his own life in the process. He had a close relationship with his God in heaven, probably because of the proper training and education from his parents. He displayed rare courage for a young man his age. He did not trust in his own ability, but had total trust and dependence in the true God, the Creator of heaven and earth.
When the time came for him to step out in faith in the conflict with Goliath, he had no doubt, nor hesitation. With his sling, he delivered a fatal blow straight to the forehead of the enemy. What a big surprise to everybody! The small stone sank deep into the giant’s forehead, and he fell.
Remember to set the right example. Practice God’s way of life now. And follow examples of young men and women of courage, who have their great deeds recorded in God’s Word. A good future is in your hands! Enjoy your life now, but always remember your Creator God, and follow your destiny to become a “hero for the Kingdom!”
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